rencontre à Mahé _Consulat des Seychelles à Monaco

On Thursday, August 10, 2017, at the initiative of the Honorary Consul of Seychelles in Monaco, Mr. Jean-François Noaro, a meeting was held in Seychelles to present the project of a Kreol Festival, planed for 2018 in Monaco.

The meeting took place in the presence of the Minister of Youth, Sports and Culture, H.E. Mme Mitcy Larue and her team, the Minister of Tourism, Civil Aviation, Ports and Marine, H.E. M. Loustau-Lalanne and his team, Mrs. Murla Gabriel, External Relations Coordinator at the Seychelles Tourism Academy STA, Miss Begitta, Director General of International Cooperation, Mr. Galen Bresson, Head of Directorate at Creative Industries and National Events Office (CINEA) and Mr. Jimmy Savy, Head of Directorate at National Arts Council (NAC).

They all discussed about partnerships, school exchanges between Seychelles and Monaco, and the participation of local artists and craftsmen in the event. Ministers and officials thanked Mr. Jean-François Noaro for his efforts to promote the Seychelles. An eagerly awaited event in the Principality, which clearly meets the guidelines of the Seychelles Ministry of Tourism’s strategic plan and will contribute to the development of tourism in the archipelago.

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